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W.E.L.C.A is packing the baby care kits for Lutheran World Relief. Please consider contributing one or more of the items needed for each kit. The items must be sized from 6 months up to 2 yrs. (24 mo.) Clean and gently used items are acceptable. They do not have to be brand new, as long as they are in good shape and not stained. The following is the list of items for each kit:
2 cotton t-shirts
2 long or short-sleeved sleepers with or without the feet or shirt and pants
2 receiving blankets, up to 52”
1 jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt with or without a hood
2 pairs of socks
1 hand towel, dark color recommended
2 (4 oz.) bars of soap, any brand or 3 (3 oz.) bars
4 cloth diapers
2 diaper pins
If you’d rather not shop, monetary donations can be given to Miriam Milbrand.